
Live Train Status, Check Train Live Status, Train Schedule, Canceled Trains, Rescheduled Trains, Diverted Trains

Live Train Status, Check Train Live Status, Train Schedule, Canceled Trains, Rescheduled Trains, Diverted Trains Application 

Live Train Status Application  : In the 'Train Running Status' form, simply enter the five-digit train number or train name. Select the date of travel from the source railway station. This will show the arrival and departure time of your train for your boarding railway station. Get additional details on Indian Railways trains like real-time delays, boarding platform number and last reported location.

Train Live Running Status Information Train Live Status :
  • Total distance covered by the train from origin to destination (in km).
  • Platform number for boarding at each station.
  • Estimated arrival/departure times at all stations, plus any delays.
  • Total number of scheduled halts and duration of each.
  • Distance (in km) between each scheduled halt.
  • All intermediate stations are to be crossed without any halt.
Live Train Status is a system created by Indian Railways to track the exact location of passenger trains. One of the easiest and fastest ways to check your train, it also provides expected arrival time, names of upcoming stations and expected departure time. This real-time tracking of GPS-enabled IRCTC trains has made traveling more convenient.

Train status on mobile app
  • Check live train status on your mobile
  • Share your train live status with others on WhatsApp or SMS or any other social media platform.
  • This is made possible by the National Train Inquiry System (NTES), which tracks train movements and shares their data with websites, helplines, mobile apps, railway inquiry counters and display boards at stations.
  • Next time you book a train ticket (or Tatkal ticket booking), use the money to save on tickets.
  • Once you check the running status of your train, you can also inquire about the PNR status. Our Where is My Train feature can also help you find your train. On it, you can also check seat availability in your train.
  • As you can tell, live train tracking is useful as it gives you the real-time location of the train, which takes the guesswork out of your travel plans. Whether you're using NTES train inquiries directly, or logging into the app, knowing the running status will help you plan a hassle-free journey?
What is Live Train Running Status?
  • Live Train Running Status is a tool developed by Indian Railways that tracks the current location of trains. Using this tool and data from mobile carriers, it provides the fastest way to find your train in real-time. It also shares the expected arrival and departure times, platform numbers for boarding, and stations arriving on the train's route.
How do you find out if the trains are running?
  • There are various ways to check if trains are running. You can use the official website of National Train Inquiry System (NTES) for this purpose. You can also visit that website or that trains app to check your live train running status.
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