Taking forward its continuous efforts of building an active democratic citizenry in the country, Election Commission of India has undertaken a new initiative by designing a Mobile Application for developing a culture of avid electoral engagement and making informed and ethical ballot decisions among citizens of the country. The app aims to provide a single point of service and information delivery to voters across the country. The app provides following facilities to Indian voters:
A. Electoral Search (#GoVerify your name in the electoral roll)
B. Submission of online forms for New Voter Registration, shifting to a different
the constituency, for Overseas Voters, Deletion or Objection in the electoral roll, correction of entries & Transposition within Assembly.
C. Register Complaints related to Electoral Services and track its disposal status
D. The FAQ on Voter, Elections, EVM, & Results
E. Service & Resources for Voters & Electoral Officers
F: Find the Election Schedule in your area
G: Find all the candidates, their profile, Income Statement, assets, criminal cases
H: Find the Polling Officials and call them: BLO, ERO, DEO and CEO
I: Click a selfie after Voting and get a chance to be featured in the Official Voter Helpline App Gallery.
J: Download the list of Contesting candidates in PDF format and take the print out.
How to fix or change date of birth in voter id card
- First of all you have to go to National Voter Service Portal www.nvsp.in and login.
- Now you will get many options here out of which you have to click on Correction in Voter ID option.
- Now again you will get some more options out of which you have to click on correction in Age. Then change the age you want to enter.
- Attach relevant documents to verify it.
- Now, fill the declaration option and verify all the details and click on submit tab.
- A reference ID will be generated from which you will be able to track its status.
How to fix or change your name in voter id card
- First of all you have to go to National Voter Service Portal www.nvsp.in and login.
- Now you will get many options here out of which you have to click on Correction in Voter ID option.
- Now again you will get some more options out of which you will have to click on correction in Name. Then change the name.
- Attach relevant documents to verify it.
- Now, fill the declaration option and verify all the details and click on submit tab.
- A reference ID will be generated from which you will be able to track its status.
How to Download e-EPIC Card
How to Download e-EPIC Card, Digital Voter ID Card Download @nvsp.in, Vaters will able to Download e-EPIC Card or Digital Voter ID Card form 25/01/2021.
All general voters who have a valid EPIC Number. All new electors registered during special summary revision 2021 (i.e. those who applied during Nov-Dec2020) and whose mobile number provided while applying is unique will get an SMS and may download e-EPIC between January 25 and 31, 2021. Other general electors may download e-EPIC from February 1, 2021 onwards. (they will however not get any SMS).
The e-elector photo identity card is non-editable digital version of the elector photo identity card and it can be saved in facilities such as digital locker and can be printed in the PDF format, Election Commission officials said.
A digital version of the Elector Photo Identity Card can be accessed through the Voter Helpline App and websites https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ and https://www.nvsp.in/.
Follow this Steps for Download e-EPIC Card
- Voters can download e-EPIC from http://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or https://nvsp.in/ or Voter Helpline or Mobile App using below steps:
- Register/Login on Voter Portal
- From menu navigation click on Download e-EPIC
- Enter the EPIC number or Form Reference Number
- Verify with OTP sent on registered mobile number (if mobile number registered with Eroll)
- Click on Download e-EPIC
- If Mobile number not registered in Eroll, click on e-KYC to complete the KYC
- Pass the Face liveness verification
- Update your mobile number to complete KYC
- Download e-EPIC