How To Apply Online Caste certificate Gujarat 2022 Gujarat Caste certificate: The Government of India Grants Caste Certificate to clarify that the Person Belongs to Particular Caste or the Community Under the constitution Of the Country. Caste Certificate issue by the State Governments of the India To its Residents Belongs to Schedule Caste, Schedule tribe Caste and Other Backward community.
It necessary For the Person to get their Cast certificate For Getting the Benefits for the Specific Section of the Community.

Gujarat Caste certificate: Online Application
In this article We Provide you all the information about the Cast Certificate and Information like Purpose of the Certificate, Eligibility criteria, Documents Required For the Certificate and Many More. All the Interested and Eligible Candidate of the Caste Certificate Requested to Read Full article before applying For the Caste Certificate Online.
Gujarat Caste certificate: Purpose
- Any Individual reserved from the Schedule Caste or schedule Tribe category can apply for the Cast certificate.
- There are Various Purpose of getting Caste Certificate.
- Caste Certificate is Important for the Students to Avail the Seats in the Collage or Institution Reserved for their caste as Per the Government Rules.
- A Caste Certificate Is Required for the Fees Concession in the Schools and Collages.
- To get the Benefit of scholarship provided by the Government.
- The Government Requires Caste Certificate For getting benefit Of the Various scheme Launch by the Government specially For the SC/ST Caste.
- It is very Necessary Document While Getting Job In the Government sector.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant should be Citizen of India.
- Applicant should be a Permanent Resident of the state Minimum for the Five Years.
- The Name Of the applicant Should be in the SC/ST , SEBC and OBC list Issued by the Government of Gujarat to Apply For caste Cerificate.
Documents Required for the Caste Certificate
- To apply For the Caste Certification you need Documents mentioned below.
- Residential Proof
- Identity Proof
- Caste Proof ( PEdhinamu Of the Family, a True Copy Of Certificate of the Caste Given by the sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat)
- Relationship Proof
- Passport size Photograph
Concerned Authority
For an Urban area, the Concerned Zonal Officer responsible for the Issuance and Verification of the Schedule Cast/ Schedule Tribe Certificate in the State of Gujarat. And For a Rural area, Concerned Mamlatdar Responsible for the Issuance and verification of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Certificate in the State Gujarat.
Validity of the Caste Certificate is 3 Years Extended by the Government.
Application Fees
Application Fees for the Caste Certificate Rs.20/-.
Processing time
The Concerned authority will Issue the Caste Certificate within 1 Day of the application.
Candidate can apply Online and Offline both the ways for the Caste Certificate. Here in the below we Provide you Information about how you can apply Online and Offline for Caste Certificate.
Offline Application Process
- Applicants have to visit the Mamlatdar or Talati or jan seva Kendra Office and Collect the Application Form.
- Fill the application Form and Attach the Necessary Document with the application. If there requirement of javab Panch namu in the Form, the applicant should take Two People for Verification to the Concerned Office. And If Proof of cast is available, an Affidavit as Defined in the Form must be issued from the concerned Office.
- In case of Possessing of the caste Proof, Or if javab Panchnamu is not required in the Form, the Applicant can Directly go to the Office of the Collector and District magistrate to submit the filled Application with the Documents.
- After that the applicant can take the Caste Certificate from the Authority.
Online application Process
- To Apply Online For the caste Certificate, candidate have to visit the Official website
- Then click On the Login tab given on the Top.
- To access online Services Offered by the Gujarat Government, the Citizen Must be a Registered User.
- If the Person is not registered on the Digital Portal Of Gujarat, he/She needs to register them self on the Portal.
- For the Registration Click on the Registered now tab. And Fill in all the Information they asking for.
- The the Citizen Can login to the Portal by using Email id, Aadhar Number, Mobile Number.
- Enter the Registration Password and capatche and click On the Log in Button.
- After Once Logging in, select the Revenue option that is Present on the Website. Then select the cast certificate option.
- Then enter the Aadhar card Number and select the Language in which the Form the Form to appear. As per the Languages selected respective language should be used for filling the application form.
- Applicants have to fill all the required Information they asking for.
- After Filing the application form applicant have to pay the application Fess by the Online Mode.
- After doing the Payment For the application Press the submit Button.
- You will Get Your Caste Certificate by Online Mode within 24 Hrs.
Important Links
Official Website: Click Here
Here In this Article we have Provide you Possible all the Information about the Caste Certificate application. Hope this Instruction Will Helps you get your caste certificate easily.