Know about your fortune (bhavishya) based on your birthday(rashifal) & through your palm lines(hastrekha) Astro uses advanced image processing tech for calculations in all palm readings & charts. Our predictions are entrenched with the ancient Vedic methods of renowned Indian Gurus, just as Nostradamus’were.
Are the astrological stars aligned in my favour? Will my career soar? Should I focus on my health? Will I have a happy married life? Install the app to know the answers to all your questions on fortune, career, relationships, marriage, kundli & more..

Palm Reading: Unravel your fate by knowing the interpretation of the 3 major lines of heart, head & life in chiromancy using our renowned palmistry scan. The heart line reading explains love, friendship & marriage, & the head line palm reading focuses on career, success, wealth. The life line gives an understanding of health & energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read your palmistry lines to reveal your personality, fate & fortunes. Astro is the best Palm Reader and Palmistry app on Play Store.
Tarot Card Reading: Get your tarot card reading about love, relationships, finances, health, etc. Simply choose your card and get tarot spreads for guidance. Read your Daily Tarot, Love Tarot, Health Tarot, Money Tarot and One Card Reading. The Oracle of the Tarot speaks eloquently through our deck. Ask about tomorrow today.
Hidden Qualities: Learn about your hidden qualities based on your astrological stars (nakshatra). Understand astrological strengths & weakness.
Love Compatibility: Confused if you and your prospective partner will make a good match for marriage? Want to see how compatible are you with your spouse? Do they react differently in certain situations? Find out traits of your partner's zodiac & see how well your zodiac signs get along.
Kundli: Kundli or Vedic Chart is generated according to the positions of the constellations on the basis of the person’s birthday, time and place.
Regional horoscope: Fortune teller available local languages including Hindi, Tamil, Kannada , Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Japanese, Turkish, Russian, German, Korean & French.
Important Link
Divya Bhaskar Gujarati Today Rashifal
The science of astrology can help you understand the relation shared by the zodiac signs of the couple. Check the love compatibility with your partner based on your zodiac signs. Horoscope offers advice to mitigate the unfortunate facets of the relationship.
Divya Bhaskar Gujarati Today Rashifal
The science of astrology can help you understand the relation shared by the zodiac signs of the couple. Check the love compatibility with your partner based on your zodiac signs. Horoscope offers advice to mitigate the unfortunate facets of the relationship.